Government Industrial Training Institute Amravati

Govt. Industrial Traning Institute, Morshi Road,Amravati.(M.S.)PIN 444603



      1. 1. It shall be the bounden duty of every student to abide by the rules and regulations of the college, and to conduct himself with discipline and decorum in all places and under all circumstances.
      • 2. Every student shall attend classes regularly and punctually and shall refrain from any action that may disturb the smooth working of the college.
      • 3. When classes are in session, students shall not enter or leave the class rooms without the permission of the teachers concerned.
      • 4. Students who may be free during class-time shall not loiter on the Veranda or on the premises of the college. During such time they are to be in the Library/Reading room.
      • 5. Every student shall handle college property with care and shall do everything in his power to preserve cleanliness and tidiness of the furniture, building and the premises. Students shall not disfigure the walls, doors, windows, furniture etc. with bills, engraving etc.
      • 6. The loss or damage or disfigurement caused to the college articles will be made good by realizing double the loss or damages so incurred from the concerned students or through a collective fine covering all the students.
      • 7. Megaphones, loudspeakers, mobile phones etc should not be used in the campus without the permission of the Principal. Posters, flags, memorial tombs, floral arches, festoons etc. should not be displayed in the campus.
      • 8. Students shall not invite or encourage outsiders to enter the campus.
      • 9. Ragging/teasing/intimidating/harassing/using words of abuse etc. on junior students’ especially female students with in the campus or outside are punishable/crime under Police Act and such matters will be immediately reported to the police. Students involved in such acts will be adequately punished which amount to
      •      1. Imprisonment upto 2 years and
      •      2. A fine upto Rs. 10,000/- and
      •      3. Dismissal from the College
      • 10. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each period. Late comers shall enter class-rooms only with the permission of the teacher.
      • 11. Application for leave of absence for more than 4 days due to illness should be supported by medical certificates.
      • 12. The responsibility of making sure that a student has earned the required minimum percentage of attendance (75% for the year) rests entirely upon the student. The University insists on a minimum of 75% attendance during the course of instruction for permitting students to take the examination. The College expects a much higher percentage of attendance than the minimum 75% required by the University. It is the responsibility of parents and guardians to find out from the Dept. concerned the attendance score of their wards from time to time.
             13. Any further rules and regulations framed by the Management and the Principal          from time to time shall also be binding to all.